sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2013

Civil Courage at Secondary School in Germany

working on network schule mit courage

We have the opportunity to work for 3 days with students from 11 to 16 years old. As teacher responsible for the social curriculum in my scool and "trust"teacher for the students (vertrauenslehrerin) I proposed the students to develope some areas of prevention culture at our place.

We met today for the first time: 14 students. They have decided to work on prejudges and the influence of them in mobbing and other attitudes at the school. I love our issue!!
And I was remmembering the week with you, Pestalozzi, missing you all as you can see in the picture...circles, squares and stars everywhere, thinking of you specially: my girls of the Base Group A, Ana, Inaya, Simone and Ana.

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